The system uses mostly direct assessment as indicated above with some nationally normed ETS Field tests and some course embedded assessment. Some indirect assessment measures are still reviewed, such as alumni surveys, employer surveys, faculty surveys, and student exit surveys on an annual basis. Most assessment exercises are given each semester and reviewed by external reviewers, i.e. faculty that did not teach the course and in some cases, members of the business community.
The Assessment Center does skill-based assessment each semester on the basis of 12 different competencies. These competencies have been identified as being highly sought by employers as well as important to academic success. These competencies are encompassed into the following categories:
- Critical thinking
- Written communication
- Interpersonal communication
- Presentation
- Teamwork
- Conflict management
| - Customer relations
- Leadership
- Delegation
- Coaching
- Ethics
- Financial impact analysis
These competencies are evaluated using seven exercises: case analysis, in basket exercise, client role play, coaching role play, supervisory role play, presentation and leaderless group discussion. Students complete the Assessment Center in their freshman year and in their senior year while enrolled in X220 and X410. Assessments are done each semester. This year the School will be integrating the skill-based results from the Assessment Center into its data base of knowledge-based assessment.
The tables below include each Learning Outcome, Learning Objectives associated with that Outcome for the School of Business and Economics Undergraduate program, and the assessment tools and timetables to be used for measuring each objective.
Outcome #4 - Communication: Students will be able to communicate interpersonally in order to establish positive business relationships, and to logically and effectively construct and deliver business presentations in oral and written formats, utilizing a variety of presentation tools and media. |
Learning Objective | Name of Assessment Tool | Description of Assessment Tool | Date/place of Administration |
- Research and construct a professional written document on a business issue
| - Team Written Communication Evaluation Form (TWCEF)
- Individual Written Communication Evaluation Form (IWCEF)
| - Form for scoring content and quality of team written report.
- Form for scoring content and quality of individual written report.
| |
- Prepare and deliver a professional speech on a business issue
| - Team Oral Report Evaluation Form (TOREF)
- Individual Oral Report Evaluation Form (IOREF)
| - Form for scoring content and presentation quality of team client report.
- Form for scoring content and presentation quality of individual report.
| |
- Produce and distribute an analysis of a business issue, in a professional manner, using appropriate media
| | | |
Outcome #5 - Functional Knowledge: Students will know the core concepts of each business discipline – accounting, finance, information systems, management, and marketing. |
Learning Objective | Name of Assessment Tool | Description of Assessment Tool | Date of Administration |
- Know core concepts of accounting
- Know core concepts of finance
- Know core concepts of information systems
- Know core concepts of management
| | - Standardized nationally-normed test on the functional areas of business
| |
- Know core concepts of marketing
| - Discipline Core Concepts Exam
| - School examination over core concepts in Business Core coursework
| |
Outcome #6 - Ethics: Students will be able to identify ethical issues in business situations and propose effective approaches to their resolution. |
Learning Objective | Name of Assessment Tool | Description of Assessment Tool | Date of Administration |
- Can identify ethical issues in business settings
- Can identify the stake holders involved in business ethical issues
- Can identify the various stages in the application of ethics in business settings
- Can describe the characteristics of a contemporary ethical business organizational climate
| - Business core Concepts Exam
| - School Examination over core concepts in Business core coursework
| |
- Can describe the consequences of unethical behavior in a business setting
| - Tests and cases on ethics
| - Course embedded tests and cases
| - P306 each semester
- L201 each semester
- Can develop a resolution to ethical situations in business settings.
| | | |
Outcome #7 - Global and Diverse Perspectives: Students will be able to identify multicultural and diversity issues in business situations and evaluate their impact. |
Learning Objective | Name of Assessment Tool | Description of Assessment Tool | Date of Administration |
- Recognition of the legitimacy of the concept of diversity
- Knowledge and understanding that the world is made up of diverse cultures
- Ability to exhibit an understanding and appreciation of diversity through business interactions with people from different cultures
| | - Standardized nationally-normed test on the functional areas of business, including international business.
| |
- Ability to integrate and apply knowledge of diverse cultural views and perspectives in business situations
| - Business Core Concepts Exam
| - School examination over core concepts in Business Core coursework.
| |
Outcome #8 - Critical, Analytical and Integrative Thinking: Students will be able to analyze business problem situations systematically and effectively, and apply knowledge from multiple disciplines to the problem. |
Learning Objective | Name of Assessment Tool | Description of Assessment Tool | Date of Administration |
- Ability to analyze financial statements and make effective decisions
| - Simulation cash flow statements and decision forms
| - Evaluation of planned decisions based upon previous period financial statements
| |
- Ability to analyze a case study or other fact pattern and draw properly reasoned conclusions
| - Critical Thinking Examination
- Assessment Center activities that include in-basket, client role play, leaderless group discussion and supervisory role play exercises.
| - School Examination
- Assessment Center database of scores by outside raters
| - W402/P306 each semester
- X220/X410 each semester through the Assessment Center
The data concerning the distribution of students for each course at the level of novice, competent and accomplished is feed into the data base and compiled for each learning outcome.
B. Assurance of Learning Process
The assurance of learning process can be charted as follows:
Assurance of Learning Table with Timelines |
Activity | Agency | Time Due | Report |
Faculty Retreat on Assessment to prepare faculty | Assessment Chair | October 19 | Dean |
Pilot Business Core Exam | Z302 Professor | November 30 | Assessment Chair |
Implement Program | Assessment Committee | January 2008 | Dean and Faculty |
Notify Faculty - Assessment Exercise | Assessment Committee Chair | January 15. September 15 | Check on Ethics – Course outline |
Select evaluation team | Assessment Committee | February 15 October 15 | Assessment Committee |
Activity | Agency | Time Due | Report |
Appoint Team 2 to 3 members 1- discipline 1-faculty 1- Professional Staff Give timeline | Assessment Committee | January 20 September 20 | Assessment Committee Faculty Dean |
Decide on quantitative standard for strengths and weaknesses | Assessment Committee | January 30 September 30 | Coordinate with Faculty |
Collect evaluation team decisions | Assessment Chair | Due by date classes end | Report to Assessment Committee |
Feed data into data base | Data entry person | January/ May | Notify Assessment Chair data has been entered. |
Analyze data | Assessment Committee Research Assistant and/or Intern from Assessment | March/ June | Notify Assessment Chair |
Prepare Annual Report highlighting strengths and weaknesses | Apply standard to results and suggest possible actions. Assessment Committee | February | Report - Dean and Faculty at faculty meeting in February |
Make Decisions on changes | Faculty Meeting | March | Dean Faculty |
Implement Changes | Dean and Faculty Committees | August | Committee notify the Dean and faculty |
Measure results of changes | Done as part of next assessment cycle | Each semester | Assessment Committee |
Make decisions on the effectiveness of changes | Dean and Faculty | Two year cycle | Dean and faculty If loop is closed activity is complete. If not, begin process again. |