SGA Constitution

Student Government Association Constitution

The Student Government Association of Indiana University Northwest established the below constitution:

*To provide an official and representative undergraduate student organization;
*To provide undergraduates a voice in the affairs of the University;
*To investigate undergraduate problems and to take appropriate action;
*To establish a community of undergraduate student life;
*To provide a place for students to bring problems to student leaders

The Constitution of the Indiana University Northwest Student Government Association

We, the members of the Student Government Association (SGA) of Indiana University Northwest, desiring to provide a form of government and expression for student views and interests; to maintain academic freedom, academic responsibility, and student rights; to improve student social, cultural, and physical welfare; to develop better educational standards, facilities, and teaching methods; to help promote international understanding and fellowship at the student level; and to foster recognition of the rights of students in this school and in this community, do hereby establish this Constitution.

The official name of this organization shall be the Student Government Association, hereinafter referred to as SGA.

Section 1. Composition (Updated 02.28.2023)
The Student Government Association shall consist of the following:

Subsection A.
Executive Board Officers elected during the fall semester of each academic year.
Subsection B.
Congressional Representatives elected during the fall semester of each academic year.
Subsection C.
Congressional Representatives appointed during the fall semester of each academic year.
Subsection D.
Non-congressional appointed Representatives of particular departments appointed during the fall semester of each academic year.
Subsection E.
Ex-officio, the Director of Student Activities.

Section 2. Executive Board Officers (Updated 02.28.2023)
The Student Government Association Executive Board shall consist of the subsections listed below:

Subsection A.
Student Government Association President
Subsection B.
Student Government Association Executive Vice President for Operations, first in line of succession.
Subsection C.
Student Government Association Vice President for Community Engagement, second in line of succession.
Subsection D.
Student Government Association Vice President for Student Experiences, third in line of succession. Following this position in the line of succession will be the Coordinators, then the elected representatives, then the appointed representatives with the order within those levels to be assigned by the advisor of SGA.
Subsection E.
The Advisor of the Student Government Association shall be the Director of Student Activities or their designee, and shall serve on the Executive Board in an ex-officio capacity and shall not vote on any issue brought before the Executive Board. They shall have full Executive Board privileges beyond this.

Section 3. Congress (Updated 02.28.2023)
The Student Government Association Congress shall consist of the subsections listed below:

Subsections A-O are elected each year near the end of fall semester to serve a calendar year.

Subsection A.
Coordinator of SGA Marketing
Subsection B.
Coordinator of Student Response
Subsection C.
Coordinator of SGA Activities
Subsection D.
School of the Arts Representative
Subsection E.
College of Arts and Sciences Representative
Subsection F.
School of Education Representative
Subsection G.
College of Health and Human Services Representative
Subsection H.
School of Business and Economics Representative
Subsection I.
Graduate School Representative
Subsection J-O.
Student Life At Large Representatives (6)

Subsections P-W are appointed each academic year by these respective offices or by SGA.
Subsection P.
Athletics Department Representative
Subsection Q.
Office of Diversity, Equity and Multicultural Affairs Representative
Subsection R.
Office of Student Activities Representative
Subsection S.
Academic Advising Representative
Subsection T.
Career Services Representative
Subsection U.
Dining Services Representative
Subsection V.
Campus Safety Representative
Subsection W.
Facilities Services Representative

Section 4. Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Liaisons and Representatives (Updated 02.28.2023)

Subsection A.
Students appointed by offices and departments on campus that will serve in SGA Committees only, not in the Congress.
• Student Activities Finance Committee Representative (Student appointed by Office of Student Activities)
• Student Activities Finance Committee Representative (Student appointed by Office of Student Activities)
• Student Activities Finance Committee Representative (Student appointed by Office of Student Activities)
• Library Services Representative (Student appointed by Library Services

Section 1. Term of Office (Updated 02.28.2023) Subsection A.

The term shall begin within the month following elections upon swearing in. The term of office shall be

one year, as defined below, or until a successor is elected and inducted.

  • Article III. Section 2. Subsections A-D are elected during the late fall semester of each academic year with the exception of Spring 2023 when there will be an election for officers to serve a one semester term in order to transition the organization to fall semester Will serve one full calendar year.
  • Article III. Section 3. Subsections A-O are elected during the late fall semester of each academic year with the exception of Spring 2023 when there is an election for representatives to serve one semester terms in order to transition the SGA to fall semester Will serve one full calendar year.
  • Article III. Section Subsections P-R are appointed during the early fall semester of each academic year and will serve one full academic year.
  • Article III. Section 4. Subsection A-B are appointed during the early fall semester of each academic year and will serve one full academic

Section 1. Executive Board Qualifications
Subsection A. President

  • Candidates for President must be current undergraduate students at Indiana University Northwest and be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours per semester during their term of

Subsection B. Executive Vice President for Operations

  • Candidates for Executive Vice President for Operations must be current undergraduate students at Indiana University Northwest and be enrolled in at least nine (9) credit hours per semester during their term of office.

Subsection C. Vice President for Community Engagement

  • Candidates for Vice President for Community Engagement must be current undergraduate students at Indiana University Northwest and be enrolled in at least nine (9) credit hours per semester during their term of office.

Subsection D. Vice President for Student Experiences

  • Candidates for Vice President for Student Experiences must be current undergraduate students at Indiana University Northwest and be enrolled in at least nine (9) credit hours per semester during their term of office.

Subsection E. General Requirements for all Executive Board Positions

  • Candidates for all Executive Board positions must not have a significant or sustained record of violations of the University sexual misconduct, Title IX or bias policies at the time of “Significant or sustained record” shall be defined by the advisor of the Student Government Association in consultation and concurrence with the Dean of Students.
  • Candidates for all Executive Board positions must not have a significant or sustained record of violations of the University academic standards or code of conduct at the time of “Significant or sustained record” shall be defined by the advisor of the Student Government Association in consultation and concurrence with the Dean of Students.
  • Candidates for all Executive Board positions must have already served in the Student Government Association or in a comparable leadership position on campus. “Comparable Leadership Position” shall be defined by the advisor of the Student Government Association in consultation with the current SGA Executive Board and the Dean of Students.
  • Candidates for all Executive Board positions must have a minimum of a 3.00 cumulative grade point average at the time of election and, if elected, must sustain a minimum GPA of 75 for the duration of their time in office.

Section 2. Congress Qualifications
Subsection A.  Coordinators

  • No additional qualifications beyond Article Section 2. Subsection E are applicable to this position.

Subsection B.   Academic Department Representatives

  • Candidates for Academic Department Representative positions must have completed at least nine

(9) semester credit hours and are majoring, minoring, or planning to major in a field under the academic division they represent at the time of election.

Subsection C. Student Life At Large Representatives (6)

  • No additional qualifications beyond Article Section 2. Subsection E are applicable to this position.

Subsection D.  Administrative Department Representatives

  • Appointees to the Administrative Department Representative positions must be active contributors in the offices or department that they are appointed to

Subsection E. General Requirements for all Congressional and Committee Positions

  • Appointees or candidates elected to all positions in Article V. Section 2. Subsections A-D must not have a significant or sustained record of violations of the University academic standards or code of conduct at the time of “Significant or sustained record” shall be defined by the advisor of the Student Government Association in consultation and concurrence with the Dean of Students.
  • Appointees or candidates elected to all positions in Article Section 2. Subsections A-D must not have a significant or sustained record of violations of the University sexual misconduct, Title IX or bias policies at the time of election. “Significant or sustained record” shall be defined by the advisor of the Student Government Association in consultation and concurrence with the Dean of Students.
  • Appointees or candidates elected to all positions in Article V. Section 2. Subsections A-D must be current undergraduate students at Indiana University Northwest and be enrolled in at least nine (9) credit hours per semester during their term of
  • Appointees or candidates elected to all positions in Article V. Section 2. Subsections A-D must have a minimum of a 50 cumulative grade point average at the time of election or appointment and, if elected or appointed, must sustain a minimum GPA of 2.50 for the duration of their time in office.

Subsection F. Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Student Liaisons and Representatives

  • Appointees to the Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Student Liaison positions must be current undergraduate students at Indiana University
  • Appointees to the Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Student Liaison positions must be active contributors in the offices or department that they are appointed to represent.
  • Appointees to the Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Student Liaison positions must have a minimum of a 50 cumulative grade point average at the time of appointment and, if appointed, must sustain a minimum GPA of 2.50 for the duration of their time in office.
  • Appointees to the Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Student Liaison positions must not have a significant or sustained record of violations of the University academic standards or code of conduct at the time of “Significant or sustained record” shall be defined by the advisor of the Student Government Association in consultation with the Dean of Students.
  • Appointees to the Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Student Liaison positions must not have a significant or sustained record of violations of the University sexual misconduct, Title IX or bias policies at the time of “Significant or sustained record” shall be defined by the advisor of the Student Government Association in consultation with the Dean of Students.

Section 1. Executive Board Responsibilities Subsection A. President
• The President shall call, preside and serve as Chair over all meetings of the SGA Executive Board and the Congress.
• The President must meet biweekly with the Chancellor to discuss SGA legislation and other relevant business pertaining to the campus and/or the student body.
• The President must attend at least 90% of the SGA Congress meetings and Executive Board meetings each semester and must make a significant effort to attend SGA events whenever possible.
• The President shall have the authority to create ad-hoc committees to address matters of student or SGA interest.
• The President must represent the Student Government Association and the student body during campus community meetings and forums.
• The President serves as an ex-officio member of SGA committees and performs other duties, as described by the SGA procedural guidelines or any parliamentary authority adopted by the SGA.
• The President must participate in the transfer of duties to the SGA President-Elect in December of each academic year.
• The President will meet weekly with the Director of Student Activities to discuss SGA agenda items, receive administrative updates and communicate generally about the organization needs and challenges.
• The President shall serve on any University committees or boards as deemed appropriate in their capacity as representative of the IUN students. If unable to serve in such a capacity, the President shall delegate such a role to members of the SGA that they feel would best represent the student body in this case.
• In SGA Executive Board or Congressional meetings, the President shall cast the tie-breaking vote in the event of a tie.
• The President shall fill all vacant positions using a process outlined in the Procedural Guidelines and in consultation with the Executive Board and the Advisor.
• The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Congress and of all ad-hoc committees but shall not vote unless in case of a tie.
• The President, in consultation with the Parliamentarian, has the authority to close a Congressional meeting and allow only SGA members and the Advisor in attendance.
• The President shall be an ex-officio member of all SGA standing committees and but shall not have a vote.

Subsection B. Executive Vice President for Operations
• The Executive Vice President shall be an ex-officio and non-voting member of the Congress.
• The individual must attend at least 90% of the SGA Congress meetings and Executive Board meetings each semester and must attend 50% of all SGA events.
• The Executive Vice President will serve as chair and provide oversight of the Operations & Finance Committee of the SGA.
• The Executive Vice President will be responsible for providing more engagement in the process of budget maintenance. The Executive Vice President shall oversee the budget for the SGA and shall meet regularly with the Advisor to discuss balances.
• The Executive Vice President shall be responsible for making any electronic purchases of items that the Finance Committee approves for student organizations, within a timely manner.
• The Executive Vice President shall enforce the policies laid out in the Finance Manual.
• In absence of the President, the Executive Vice President will take up the responsibilities of the President at meetings and events.
• The Executive Vice President will meet biweekly with the Director of Student Activities and communicate updates to the SGA.
• The Executive Vice President must participate in the transfer of duties to the SGA Executive Vice President-Elect for Operations in December of each academic year.
• The Executive Vice President must be visibly present at events promoted by the SGA.
• The Executive Vice President of Operations will serve as the Treasurer of the Student Government Association of Indiana University Northwest.
• The Executive Vice President and the Operations & Finance Committee shall be responsible for the approval of funds for the Self-Governed Student Organizations.
• The Executive Vice President shall compile and maintain a ledger of funds allocated from Student Government Association to each self-governed student organization or to SGA themselves.
• The Executive Vice President shall compile, with the assistance of the Executive Board, an operating budget for Student Government Association to be considered annually by the Executive Board at the beginning of the academic year.
• The Executive Vice President shall serve as the campus liaison, when necessary, to the IUPD, Facilities and Dining Services.
• The Executive Vice President shall communicate with the campus administration in the absence of the President.

Subsection C. Vice President for Community Engagement
• The Vice President shall take minutes at all Executive Board and Congressional meetings. The minutes of all Congressional meetings must be distributed to the campus community electronically within ten days of each Congressional meeting.
• The Vice President shall take attendance and maintain a record of attendance at Executive Board and Congressional meetings.
• The Vice President shall regularly notify the members of Student Government Association of their attendance record and shall notify the Executive Board of all attendance concerns that arise in the Student Congress.
• The Vice President shall be an ex-officio and non-voting member of the Student Congress.The individual must attend at least 90% of the SGA Congress meetings and Executive Board meetings each semester and must attend 75% of all SGA events.
• The Vice President for Community Engagement shall serve as the Secretary for the Student Government Association Congressional meetings. They shall also serve as archivist for the organization.
• The Vice President shall keep a record of all legislation passed by both the Executive Board and the Student Congress.
• The Vice President shall communicate all meeting times and locations to the members of the Executive Board and the Congress with no less than 48 hours notice, unless otherwise stated by the President.
• The Vice President must be visibly present at events sponsored by the SGA.
• The Vice President prepares, prior to each meeting of the Executive Board, an order of business to be distributed to members of the Board, showing the exact order, under the correct headings, matters known in advance that are due to come up and, if applicable, the times for which they are set.
• The Vice President maintains the SGA’s official membership roll, documents absences and reports them to the SGA for disciplinary action and maintains them in the records of SGA.
• The Vice President must participate in the transfer of duties to the SGA Vice President-elect for Community Engagement in December of each academic year.
• The Vice President shall provide oversight of the Coordinator positions within the SGA and shall meet biweekly with that group to discuss ongoing projects.
• The Vice President shall communicate with the student body in the absence of the President.
• The Vice President shall be responsible for distributing an agenda to all members of Congress and guests at least 12 hours prior to each Congressional meeting.
• The Vice President shall create and maintain a list containing the contact information for all organization leadership.
Subsection D. Vice President for Student Experiences
• The individual will meet biweekly with the Dean of Students to communicate updates from the SGA and learn what matters they would like brought before the SGA.
• The individual must attend at least 90% of the SGA Congress meetings and Executive Board meetings each semester and must attend 75% of all SGA events.
• The Vice President must be visibly present at events sponsored by the SGA.
• The Vice President must participate in the transfer of duties to the SGA Vice President-elect for Student Experiences in December of each academic year.
• The Vice President shall represent SGA on any committee or forum where the issues of student life are of primary concern, in partnership with the President.
• The Vice President shall provide oversight and serve as chair of the Campus Life Committee and Academic Affairs Committee of the SGA.
• The Vice President for Student Experiences shall serve as the Parliamentarian for the Student Government Association Congressional meetings and shall train all members of SGA on the appropriate rules and processes.
• The Vice President shall be an ex-officio and non-voting member of the Student Congress.
Subsection E. Advisor
• The Advisor shall be an ex-officio member of all SGA standing and ad-hoc committees but shall not have a vote.
• The Advisor shall be the ultimate judge of rule discrepancies in the election process and will work with the Election Committee to resolve many disputes.
Subsection F. General Responsibilities
• The Executive Board shall assume full Congressional jurisdiction in the event of an emergency when time or circumstance does not permit a regular meeting of the Congress.
• The Executive Board shall meet regularly to discuss any matters or concerns from the student body and shall determine what and when, within Constitutional policies, to bring those items to the Congress.
The Executive Board shall discuss and approve the Congressional agenda set forth by the President each week.
• Each member of the Executive Board shall hold at least two weekly, consistent office hours in the SGA office. These office hours shall be communicated to the campus community. Only one Executive Board member shall work in the office at the same time unless it is necessary for the business of SGA.
• Executive Board members shall serve as ex-officio members of the committees they oversee but shall not vote unless in the case of a tie.

Section 2. Congressional Responsibilities Subsection A. Coordinators
• Coordinator of SGA Marketing
o The Coordinator of SGA Marketing will be responsible for all the social media outlets and keep them up to date every week. They shall inform students about important and major events held on campus by various clubs. Social media includes sites such as My.INvolvement, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media outlet.
o Design advertisements for SGA events and meetings.
o Attend, volunteer at, and help to coordinate the events promoted by the SGA through the semester, or events that require/request an SGA presence.
o Attend at least 80% of the meetings (Congressional and representative) and events per semester.
• Coordinator of SGA Activities
o The Coordinator shall coordinate any Student Government Association sponsored event.
o The Coordinator may form an ad-hoc Event Planning Committee, with the approval of the President.
o Attend, volunteer at, and help to coordinate the events promoted by the SGA through the semester, or events that require/request an SGA presence.
o Attend at least 80% of the meetings (Congressional and representative) and events per semester.
• Coordinator of Student Response
o The Coordinator of Student Response shall be charged with surveying the students to solicit student opinion on important issues, and shall then, in conjunction with the Vice President for Community Engagement, make the results of these student surveys available to the campus community electronically.
o Attend, volunteer at, and help to coordinate the events promoted by the SGA through the semester, or events that require/request an SGA presence.
o Attend at least 80% of the meetings (Congressional and representative) and events per semester.

Subsection B. Academic Department Representatives - College of Arts and Sciences, School of the Arts, School of Business and Economics, School of Education, and College of Health and Human Services, Graduate School Representative
• Attend at least 80% of the meetings (Congressional and representative) and events per semester. The status of attendance at meetings will be checked and reported by the Vice President for Community Engagement.
• Be an active member of SGA committee or campus committee. More involvement may be expected during some academic years than in others based on the number of committees available and need for members, as called upon by the President.
• Attend, volunteer at, and help to coordinate the events promoted by the SGA through the semester, or events that require/request an SGA presence.
• Represent the Indiana University Northwest specific school assigned at meetings and events of the SGA.
• Serve on the SGA Academic Affairs Committee and attend biweekly meetings.
• Vote on matters of concern to the Indiana University Northwest specific school assigned.
• Serve on the SGA committees to which they are appointed.
• Meet with the Dean of the respective school regularly and discuss matters that pertain to the specific school that will benefit the student academic experience.
• Create questionnaires for the students in the specific school assigned to address any concerns. Submit a compilation of these surveys to the Vice President for Student Experience in order for them to submit for the archives and for discussion.
• Perform other duties as prescribed in the Procedural Guidelines, or in the parliamentary authority adopted by the SGA.

Subsection C. Student Life At Large Representatives (6)
• There shall be six Student Life At Large Representatives elected each fall to serve a full calendar year.
• The Student Life Representatives shall review and provide input on issues presented to them by the student body, Dean of Students and the Executive Board.
• The Student Life Representatives shall serve on at least one SGA committee as assigned by the Executive Board.
• The Student Life Representatives shall act as a liaison between Self-Governed Student Organizations and the Student Government Association.
• The Student Life Representatives shall work with the Coordinator of Student Response to regularly survey students on issues related to student life and the Student Government Association.

Subsection D. Administrative Department Representatives
• Shall serve as a liaison to the administrative office they represent from the SGA.
• Shall represent the voice of the department they represent when serving in Congress or on committees.
• Shall meet biweekly with the leader of the department they represent to obtain and provide updates.

Section 3. Non-Congressional Appointed Committee-Only Student Liaison and Representative Responsibilities
• Shall serve as a representative of the administrative office they represent before the Committee they serve on.
• Shall represent the voice of the department they represent when serving in committees.
• Shall meet as needed with the leader of the department they represent to obtain and provide updates.

Section 1. Committee Responsibilities
Subsection A. Operations & Finance Committee (OFC)
• This committee would review budget requests from Self-Governed Student Organizations including an interview with the representatives of the organization submitting the request. Once they approve a request, it would go to the full SGA for confirmation of that decision. If they deny a request, an organization can choose to resubmit or appeal the decision to the full SGA. This committee would present their decision to the full SGA on behalf of an organization. This committee would also approve some budget requests from SGA itself and some institutional departments.
• Evaluating all budgetary questions and concerns self-governed student organizations may have.
• Assist student organizations in comprehension and completion of the budget request process.
• The OFC may not allocate funds of any kind without the expressed permission of the Executive Board.
• Addressing campus infrastructure related questions and helping to facilitate notification of problems to Facilities Services.
• Serve as a representative of the student voice on all questions brought to them by Facilities Services.
• Create and maintain communications with the office of Facilities Services regarding concerns and questions from students.
• Per the amendment passed referencing the Budget and Finance Committee, it was agreed that a Budget and Finance Committee be added as a permanent Standing Committee of the Student Government Association of Indiana University Northwest. As such, due to its impact on the institutional budget and other major campus processes, the removal of this committee will require the approval of the Dean of Students. The Budget and Finance Committee shall now be called the Operations and Finance Committee.

Subsection B. Operations & Finance Committee Structure
• Committee Chairperson: Executive Vice President for Operations of Student Government Association
• Committee Member: SGA Student Life Representative appointed by Executive Board
• Committee Member: SGA Student Life Representative appointed by Executive Board
• Committee Member: SGA Student Life Representative appointed by Executive Board
• Committee Member: Member of student body, non-SGA member, appointed by the Office of Student Activities.
• Committee Member: Member of student body, non-SGA member, appointed by the Office of Student Activities.
• Ex-officio Committee Member: Director of Student Activities or their designee
• Ex-officio Committee Member: President of Student Government Association
• Committee Member: Dining Services Liaison (Staff member appointed by Dining Services)
• Committee Member: Campus Safety Liaison (Staff member appointed by Indiana University Police)
• Committee Member: Facilities Services Liaison (Staff member appointed by Facilities)

Subsection C. Academic Affairs Committee (AAC)
• Responsible for addressing student challenges or concerns pertaining to academics, the classroom environment, scheduling and more and serves as an SGA liaison to the Provost's Office.
• Shall serve as a sounding board for campus administration regarding any new programs or adjustments being made.
Subsection D. Academic Affairs Committee Structure
• Committee Chairperson: Vice President for Student Experiences of Student Government Association
• Committee Member: College of Arts and Sciences Representative elected by IUN students
• Committee Member: School of the Arts Representative elected by IUN students
• Committee Member: School of Business and Economics Representative elected by IUN students
• Committee Member: School of Education Representative elected by IUN students
• Committee Member: College of Health and Human Services Representative elected by IUN students
• Committee Member: Graduate School Representative appointed by the Provost's Office
• Committee Member: Career Services Liaison (Student appointed by Career Services or SGA)
• Committee Member: Academic Advising Liaison (Student appointed by Academic Advising or SGA)
• Committee Member: Library Services Liaison (Student appointed by Library Services)
• Ex-officio Committee Member: Director of Student Activities or their designee
• Ex-officio Committee Member: President of Student Government Association
Subsection E. Campus Life Committee (CLC)
• Shall serve as a liaison to the Director of Student Activities and, if necessary, the Dean of Students.
• Shall address concerns raised by students about campus matters that are impacting their community or social experience.
• Shall serve as a sounding board for campus administration regarding any new programs or adjustments being made.
Subsection F. Campus Life Committee Structure
• Committee Chairperson: Vice President for Student Experiences of Student Government Association
• Committee Member: ODEMA Representative appointed by Office of Diversity, Equity & Multicultural Affairs
• Committee Member: Student Activities Representative appointed by Office of Student Activities
• Committee Member: Athletics Representative appointed by Department of Athletics
• Committee Member: SGA Student Life Representative appointed by Executive Board
• Committee Member: SGA Student Life Representative appointed by Executive Board
• Committee Member: SGA Student Life Representative appointed by Executive Board
• Ex-officio Committee Member: Director of Student Activities or their designee
• Ex-officio Committee Member: President of Student Government Association
Subsection G. Community Engagement Committee (CEC)
• Shall work collaboratively to come up with fresh marketing ideas for the organization, plan and execute SGA events and create and process surveys conducted within the student body. Subsection H. Community Engagement Committee Structure
• Committee Chairperson: Vice President for Student Experiences of Student Government Association
• Committee Member: Coordinator of Student Response elected by IUN students
• Committee Member: Coordinator of SGA Activities elected by IUN students
• Committee Member: Coordinator of SGA Marketing elected by IUN students
• Ex-officio Committee Member: Director of Student Activities or their designee
• Ex-officio Committee Member: President of Student Government Association

Section 1. Election Timelines
• The election cycle for the Executive Board and all elected members of the Congress will take place in the fall semester of each academic year.
• The election timing for the Executive Board Executive Board and all elected members of the Congress will begin in Week 8 and be concluded by the end of Week 12 in the semester in which it is held.
• A debate or forum must be held at least one week prior to elections. A swearing in ceremony must be held within one month of the conclusion of the election.
• There will be an Election Committee assigned each year prior to the election season. This committee will set the rules and expectations within the Constitution and Procedural Guidelines. The committee make up will be an outgoing member of SGA who has exhibited leadership skills and is trustworthy as the Chair. Additional members include one non-SGA member of the Student Body and one current SGA member who is not running for office.
• All elections shall be held electronically through the My.INvolvement system.
• Candidates running for any position of the SGA must not have made or must not make a commitment to study abroad due to the need to be present on campus and fulfill obligations.

Section 2. Transitioning Period
• The month between the election and final exams will include a transition period of 2-3 weeks, an Executive Board Retreat and will conclude with a swearing in ceremony during the week before final exams.

Section 3. Additional Election Procedures in the SGA Procedural Guidelines

Section 1. Congressional Meetings
• Regular meetings of the Congress will be held biweekly (every two weeks) each semester on a day and time specified by the President. All SGA Executive Board and Congressional members must be present.

Section 2. Executive Board Meetings
• Meetings of the SGA Executive Board will be held weekly each semester on a day and time specified by the President. The frequency of these meetings shall be determined by the President in consultation with the Advisor. All members of the Executive Board must be present. The Advisor will have flexibility in attendance due to the nature of their work.

Section 3. Student Forums
The President shall have the authority to hold a forum with the student body at their discretion.
Subsection A. All members of the student body will be invited and encouraged to attend. Subsection B. All forums will be held in person, but Zoom or Microsoft Teams, can be used as an alternative when necessary.
Subsection C. The President must inform the student body of the date, time and location of the Student Forum at least 5 days in advance. All forums shall be started and completed between the hours of 9:00am and 9:00pm.
Subsection D. The President of SGA must hold at least one forum during each semester of their term.
Subsection E. The President is encouraged to hold at least one joint forum during their term of office with the Chancellor of Indiana University Northwest.
Subsection F. The President is encouraged to hold at least one additional joint forum during their term of office with the Chancellor of Indiana University Northwest and the Mayor of Gary, or the Mayor’s designee.
Subsection G. The President may invite campus administrators to these forums when necessary, for the purpose of attendance or to participate.
Subsection H. The President is encouraged to hold a State of the SGA/University Address at the beginning and end of their term. This can be held live, virtually or via email.

Section 4. Quorum
• A quorum of 50% plus one is required to hold Congressional meetings and Special meetings.

Section 5. Additional Meetings
• Additional meetings that are required are defined in the Procedural Guidelines.

Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order
• Robert’s Rules of Order will be used in all meetings with the Congress. The authority to determine which version of Parliamentary Procedure will be used will be decided by the Executive Board.

Section 2. Suspension of Rules
A member of the Executive Board or Congress may make a motion, at the appropriate time, to suspend the rules and allow a meeting without Parliamentary Procedure.
Subsection A. In order to sustain this motion it must be seconded and approved by the affirmative vote of 3/4 of the Congress and the approval of the Advisor of SGA.

Section 3. Parliamentarian authority will lie within the duties of a member of the Executive Board.

Section 1. Impeachment Offenses
Subsection A.
• A member of SGA may be impeached for any offense deemed inappropriate or not in line with the standards and expectations of the organization.
• Beyond this, the following are impeachable offenses: more than 3 Unexcused Absences or 3 consecutive absences in a semester (fall or spring), failure to have or maintain the required SGA approved credit hours, and failure to maintain required minimum grade point average. Additionally, in extreme circumstances, SGA may draw up articles of impeachment if a member has committed the following offenses: neglect of duty, sexual harassment, public, verbal, or physical attacks, obstruction to orderly process, misrepresentation of SGA, misuse of authority, or any violation of institutional policies in the student handbook.

Section 2. Impeachment Procedures
Subsection A.

• Any member of the IUN student body, faculty or staff may file an article of impeachment by notifying, in writing, the President of SGA, the SGA Advisor and the Director of Student Activities. This must be done via letter, electronically or in person, from the individuals or individuals filing charges. Upon receipt of the letter, the Congress will be notified and the article shall be seconded, or not, by at least one elected, not appointed, member of the Congress.
• If no second is given, the impeachment article dies at this point.
• If the article is seconded, the proceedings will be set for a date and time for an impeachment inquiry to be held. This inquiry must happen within 14 days of the receipt of the article by the President and Advisor. All inquiries shall be chaired by the Director of Student Activities.
• Any accused party will have the opportunity to address the charges against them at this inquiry and will be asked questions by the current members of Congress or the Executive Board. The accusing party will also have the opportunity to address the Congress and may ask questions of the accused party via the Chair but may not question the accused party directly.
• The accused party may elect to have one consultant present that is a current member of the Congress. This consultant shall waive their right to vote, or be present for the vote, on impeachment and/or potential removal. The consultant may serve as advisor or aide to the accused party but shall not have any role in the proceedings. If they speak, the Chair will remove them from the room.
• Upon conclusion of the inquiry, the accused party and their consultant must leave the room and will be notified in writing of the Congress’s decision.
• The remaining members of Congress and any Executive Board members present shall discuss and a vote may be called. In order to sustain the impeachment, ⅔ of the members present, including the Executive Board (but not the President who does not vote), must vote in the affirmative. If the vote fails, the impeachment is dropped. If the vote succeeds, the date and time shall be set for a vote on removal of the impeached party or with the approval of the President and Advisor, a vote on removal may be called for immediately.

Section 3. Removal and Replacement
• Any appointed member of Congress may be removed at any time from their position by their appointer.
• Within 7 business days of an affirmative vote to impeach, there needs to be a vote on the removal of the impeached party. In order to remove a member, at least 80% of the members present must vote to do so. This vote shall include all members of Congress and the Executive Board but not the President. The impeached party and their consultant shall not vote or be in attendance at the vote.
• If the impeached party is removed, they will be notified electronically by the Director of Student Activities within 48 hours of the conclusion of the vote. The Dean of Students shall also be notified. In the case of an appointed party, the appointing office shall also be notified.
• Any removed party will immediately be stripped of all committee assignments and any roles or responsibilities within SGA and the process to replace this individual shall proceed immediately under the leadership of the President. The position should be filled within 30 days.
• If a member is removed, they are no longer eligible to be elected or appointed to any SGA position.
• If the vote on removal fails, the member shall continue to serve but may be subject to sanctions assigned by the Executive Board of SGA in response to the impeachment. Sanctions must be approved by the advisor of SGA.

Section 4. Resignation
• Any Student Government Association member may resign by submitting a notice in writing to the SGA President and Advisor. A resignation is effective upon receipt by the Advisor. Any member that chooses to resign is ineligible to run for Student Government Association positions again until they meet with the Director of Student Activities, or their designee, to make a determination of eligibility to run.

Section 1. Executive Board Amendments
• The Executive Board of the Student Government Association, by unanimous vote, shall have the authority to adjust, as needed, any Article identified by the Advisor of the SGA for a period of no more than 365 days. After 365 days the full Constitutional Amendment process must be implemented in order to retain the adjustment.

Section 2. Presidential Amendments
• The President, in concurrence with the Advisor of the Student Government Association, shall have the authority to adjust, as needed, any Article identified by the Advisor of the SGA for a period of no more than 160 days. After 160 days the full Constitutional Amendment process must be implemented in order to retain the adjustment. If needed the Executive Board may choose to extend this adjustment an additional 205 days but after the additional 205 days the full Constitutional Amendment process must be implemented in order to retain the adjustment.

Section 3. Traditional Amendment Process
Subsection A. Amendments will first be offered to the Executive Board and approved by them with the affirmative vote of at least 3/4 of the Executive Board.
Subsection B. Amendments must then be offered to the full Congress and approved by them with the affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of the Congress.
Subsection C. Amendments must then be offered to the full Student Body and approved by them with the affirmative vote of at least 75% of the Student Body.
Subsection D. A structured amendment submission process shall be used.
Subsection E. Additional requirements are defined in the SGA Procedural Guidelines.

Section 1. Any rules, regulations or duties not specifically enumerated or prohibited herein, or in the Procedural Guidelines, are to be reserved to the President, in consultation and concurrence of the Advisor.

Student Government Association shall attend the NACA Student Government Association Institute and the ASGA Regional Conference each year. Attendance at NACA SGI shall be limited to two Coordinators or members of Congress and two Executive Board members. Attendance at ASGA Regional shall be encouraged for as many members of SGA as the budget will allow.

The Student Government Association shall make every effort to attend the ASGA National Conference each fall. Attendance at this conference shall be limited to Executive Board members only.

Section 1. Payment of SGA Members
• If excess funds are available at the conclusion of each academic year, those funds can be used to pay members of the Student Government Association for their work during this past year. Payment amounts will be determined by the President and Executive Vice President and approved by the Advisor of SGA.
• Student Government Association shall not deny financial requests, decrease request amounts, or set aside funds simply to reserve money for the purpose of paying SGA members.
• SGA Congressional Meetings shall require business casual attire.

This Constitution was passed by the SGA Congress and Executive Board by a vote of 0-0 on 07/00/2023 and shall be effective upon passage.


,Executive Vice President for Operations

,Vice President for Community Engagement

,Vice President for Student Experiences

,Coordinator of Marketing

,Coordinator of SGA Activities

,Coordinator of Student Response

,Student Life At-Large Representative

,Student Life At-Large Representative

,Student Life At-Large Representative

,Student Life At-Large Representative

,Student Life At-Large Representative

,Student Life At-Large Representative

,Representative for College of Health & Human Services

,Representative for College of Arts & Sciences

,Representative for School of the Arts

,Representative for School of Business & Economics

,Representative for School of Education

,Representative for Graduate School

,Representative for Athletics Department

,Representative for Office of Student Activities

,Representative for the Office of Diversity, Equity & Multicultural Affairs

,Representative for the Office of Academic Advising

,Representative for Career Services

,Representative for Dining Services

,Representative for Campus Safety

,Representative for Facilities Services


,Advisor of Student Government Association