Mathematics Assistance Center
We pledge to provide free tutoring services on a walk-in basis in Hawthorn Hall, Room 436, for Mathematics courses through Calculus II (MATH-M216) and often higher level courses. Multiple tutors are on hand during all operating hours to provide the widest range of assistance possible.
All tutors are students majoring in Mathematics, a related field or are graduates with a degree in a field related to Mathematics. Many of the tutors began their academic careers with developmental courses themselves, so they understand the math anxiety and phobias that many students experience.
Our first priority when tutoring is to serve the needs of students enrolled in a Mathematics course at IU Northwest. However, we also have an open door policy when it comes to the needs of the community.
When seeking help in Mathematics Assistance Center it would be helpful if you would organize your questions in advance as much as possible, and be prepared to show your own homework attempts. You will be required to sign in using your student ID upon entering.
Currently our Mathematics Assistance Center offers tutoring at the times shown in the table to the right. Observe that the Mathematics Assistance Center is closed for Summer Session I. Please direct any questions to the Department Coordinator Kristie Gilmore at or (219) 981-5691.