What is Army ROTC?
The only college course that is specifically designed to teach and develop:
- Leadership
- Managerial Skills
- Self-discipline
- Confidence
...and place you on the fast track to success in any career you choose.
Army ROTC is a series of elective courses one can take alongside their major course of study. At IU Northwest, the freshman-level MS I course is worth 1 semester hour, and sophomore through senior-level MS II-IV courses are worth 2-3 semester hours. Purdue University Northwest students can enroll in ROTC as a guest student at IU Northwest. The universities will typically accept up to six ROTC credit hours as electives. ROTC is not a major in itself.
Military science classes meet once a week for a lecture and leadership lab, and three times a week for physical training.
ROTC is designed to develop and enhance the leadership skills of university students. While in ROTC, cadets lead the life of a normal college student but have the added bonus of training in communication, time management, and personnel organization. Upon graduation, you may earn a commission as a second lieutenant, an officer in the United States Army.